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ATTS can help you find the career you’ve been looking for. From temporary to permanent jobs, entry-level to professional,  ATTS is your single-source for the career you are looking for in the North Alabama area.
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ATTS helps you find cost-effective human resource solutions – solutions that drive productivity, reduce costs and assure on demand access to talent. ATTS offers you one-stop convenience for all your staffing needs.
Locally owned and operated, ATTS is an expert staffing company specializing in temporary to permanent, short and long-term assignments, certified payroll and full-time placement positions.
Contact Us For All Your Employment Needs
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Job Seekers - Why Choose ATTS in Huntsville?

atts-job-seekersIf you're unemployed or you're an employer looking for good workers, calling Alabama Temporary & Technical Services at (256) 539-8741 will put you exactly where you need to be. With our experienced staff and our relationships with all types of business and industries across the state, we're confident in our ability to place job seekers in great positions while providing efficient employees to reputable employers.

For job seekers, we are an excellent source of available positions, and we work hard to match your skills and talents with positions that not only pay you but fit you as a person. For employers, our complete service and recruiting makes filling vacancies with trustworthy employees easy and fast.

Contact us today to fulfill your employment vacancy needs. Our qualified staff are experts and we don't charge fees to our applicants. Get the position or employee you want today!

Frequently Asked Questions - ATTS

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit?
Praesent nibh neque, bibendum id fringilla at, iaculis eu tellus. Quisque aliquet tortor pulvinar metus suscipit nec auctor tortor consequat. Fusce dictum mollis augue sit amet consectetur. Praesent ac pulvinar nisl. Maecenas iaculis imperdiet est in consectetur. Nulla accumsan fringilla mattis. Aliquam erat volutpat.

Praesent dapibus tortor quis magna semper dignissim blandit magna fermentum?
Maecenas ac eros nisi. Cras dictum diam viverra neque ultrices rutrum tempus ipsum pellentesque. Fusce tincidunt velit ut nulla vulputate rhoncus. Integer mattis ipsum sit amet ante pharetra sit amet luctus sapien sagittis. Sed diam nisi, eleifend sit amet eleifend nec, vehicula id lorem. Phasellus ac elit arcu. Nam et leo risus, in adipiscing tortor.

Sed ornare enim lacus cras tristique orci in magna pharetra dictum?
In ultricies dolor metus, et ultricies enim. Integer eget neque turpis. Nulla facilisi. Mauris risus libero, consectetur sed mattis in, viverra et dolor. Mauris turpis ipsum, pharetra a ultrices id, vehicula blandit arcu. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum tincidunt diam vel mi fermentum semper. Fusce ut mauris arcu, et dapibus mauris.

Nunc eu dolor non nulla mattis tempor magna turpis, luctus et pharetra id, pretium at purus?
Ut nibh nunc, molestie in pulvinar vel, suscipit a justo. Ut semper elit vel augue luctus pharetra. Sed non ligula in diam consequat tincidunt. Vivamus lacinia, purus tincidunt sodales luctus, erat nisl lobortis massa, et congue enim dui id quam. Morbi non nibh neque, et malesuada est. Nulla ac sem urna.

Aenean gravida ipsum ut ante ullamcorper pulvinar ullamcorper dui porta?
Nullam nibh mi, pellentesque sed porta sit amet, mattis nec libero. Quisque hendrerit dui vel arcu mattis cursus. Nam eleifend orci id sapien faucibus in faucibus tellus bibendum. Mauris malesuada dui vel turpis convallis vulputate ut at arcu. Duis eu eros libero. Sed nec nulla odio.

Nullam accumsan velit ac tellus malesuada et mollis purus fringilla?
Donec interdum pellentesque felis, ac consectetur tortor dapibus at. Fusce placerat dignissim convallis. Etiam quis molestie libero. Cras ultrices malesuada vulputate. Duis interdum sollicitudin augue nec feugiat. Maecenas et quam erat, ac accumsan est. Aliquam accumsan dapibus ligula, sit amet dapibus odio pellentesque sit amet.

Duis at massa sed massa condimentum dictum?
Fusce sapien sapien, ultricies sit amet sagittis ac, porttitor et dui. Morbi eu lobortis quam. Vestibulum lacinia nisl sit amet urna consequat vulputate. Aliquam et lorem erat. Aliquam ac enim et lectus porta ornare accumsan id purus. Maecenas feugiat pharetra massa non bibendum.

Employee Frequently Asked Questions

Will you charge me a fee?
No. As a job seeker, you will never be charged a fee for our services.

How do I get paid?
You will be paid on a weekly basis, for all hours worked through the end of the previous week.
We encourage all of our employees to take advantage of our Direct Deposit enrollment! This ensures that funds are seamlessly transferred to your account each week. We offer a payroll debit card for your direct deposits.

As an ATTS associate, what perks and benefits are available to me?
ATTS  offers one of the most comprehensive benefit and incentive programs available in our industry.

Healthcare Options

ATTS Temporaries  may choose to participate in a supplemental discount medical coverage plan offered through Essential Staff Care. Several affordable and convenient plans are available—all of which include a prescription discount program—along with options to purchase dental and/or vision benefits. These flexible plans are also available to associate's spouses and children.

Insurance Plans

Essential Staff care  have the option to purchase voluntary short-term disability coverage and/or enhanced optional life insurance. Life insurance coverage is also available to associates' spouses and children.

What types of positions are available to me?
ATTS offers temporary full time & part-time, temporary to hire, and direct hire opportunities.

What companies do you work with?
From small businesses to Fortune 500 companies,  Our clients represent a diverse range of industries.

What is the job placement process?
Email or fax your resume. (  or fax 256 534-7040) If your skills, qualifications and interests fit those of our clients, we will invite you to go through an enhanced screening process. This will include a skills assessment, potential drug screen/background check and a thorough interview where we will discuss your capabilities, your career objectives and your ideal work environment—details that will help us place you in the right position.

Depending on client needs, you may be placed on assignment right away or you might be waiting a while longer. However, once we do find an assignment for you, we will make sure you are properly prepared by providing you with contact information, directions, an overview of the assignment and your responsibilities and the appropriate orientation and training.

In the case of direct hire, we will also arrange client interviews as well negotiate salary and benefits on your behalf.

As a temporary associate, am I required to accept every assignment?
No. One of the benefits of being a temporary associate is the flexibility to choose which assignments to accept.

How long are the assignments?
Temporary assignments vary according to employer needs. An assignment may last anywhere from hours to days, weeks, months or longer.  90% of our positions  are temp-to-hire. Your ATTS  consultant will give you an approximate duration prior to your accepting or declining the assignment.

How often can I work?
We make every effort to keep our employees as busy as they'd like to be, but unfortunately, we cannot guarantee a certain amount of hours. Placement is always dependent on whether your skills, experience and aptitude are a good fit for the client and, of course, if you are available and willing to work.

What do I do when the assignment ends?
When your current assignment is complete, contact Alabama Temporary to  update your availability status. While waiting for your next opportunity, be sure to update your account profile to include any new skills you have learned while on assignment. Always call our office at least once a week.

Employer Frequently Asked Questions

What sets Alabama Temporary apart?
Cathy Ottman owner has been servicing Alabama since 1974.  We provide our clients with solid staffing solutions and service you expect from an industry leader.

How do you charge for a temporary employee?
The cost for our services is based on the job requirements and experience of the temporary. We bill only for hours worked.

What is included in the hourly rate?
The hourly rate includes employee’s hourly wages, employee payroll taxes, liability insurance, workmen’s compensation, unemployment compensation and accounting cost.

How does Alabama Temporary effectively learn about the environment & business culture of our clients?
Our process begins with information over the phone. A representative of  Alabama Temporary, to better understand your  business,  will then arrange to tour your company facilities.

Can I call the same day I need a temporary help?

How fast can you fill a temporary position?
Based on the requirements of the assignment. The same day the order is taken.  Most openings can be filled by the next business day.

What happens if I am not happy with my temporary?
Notify Alabama Temporary immediately and we will send a replacement

Can Alabama Temporary fill unique temporary positions such as short or long-term assignments?
Yes, Long term temporaries are our specialty.

What is Alabama Temporary screening process?
Each candidate meets with Alabama Temporary consultant for an in-depth interview to clarify skills, abilities and career goals.

What skills are tested when you evaluate a candidate?
Candidates are tested on basic grammar, spelling, math, filing, typing, data entry, and software proficiency.

What about safety?
Recognizing the significant bottom-line impact of safety practices, the ATTS Safety First program promotes employee understanding of and compliance with safety regulations through ongoing training, reporting and recognition of safety excellence.

Industry Specialties

  • Manufacturing
  • Administrative
  • Electronics
  • Engineering
  • Accounting
  • Customer Service
  • Clerical
  • Human Resources
  • Management
  • Information Technology
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